Sunday, October 23, 2011

little sheba.

you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

you are different. more into yourself instead of others. i get that you're living the life, and actually i'm very jealous of the memories you're making and the amazing friends you have. but i don't think you realize that you've changed. which is sad. you never ask me how i am. and for pity's sake, you haven't even ever seen where i go to college. that's a big deal to me.

and you've changed too. almost in the same way. something happened, i'm not sure what. your personality took a 180, and i don't know how to deal with it. i never imagined. but you're not the same person i loved. this idea has consumed you and has changed you.

and you. you grow further away from me every day without trying. i know you do try, but i'm not your top priority and i can't be, i understand. but please please try harder. i try too hard already, now it's your turn.

please come back. all of you.

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