Friday, March 11, 2011

a shadow passed yearning for the fool it called a home.

I can't believe it's been a year. A whole year. I remember almost everything about that day. What I was wearing, what I was feeling, who I hugged, and the one beautiful boy who found positivity in the most terrible thing most of us could have imagined. How is it that the death of someone I didn't even know affected me so greatly? Maybe it's because I felt guilty about never having getting to know him. And I would never again have the chance to meet him. i felt guilty for not reaching out to someone who was having problems and needed help. i'm sure there was probably nothing i could have done, but the possibility is haunting.

i'm so grateful for the life i'm living and the people i have around me, supporting me and loving me. it's sad that it takes a tragedy like the one that happened last year to remind us, but life is short and we need to appreciate every moment. we have to stick together and be there for each other when we need help. we are all we have in this life. i need to remember to appreciate every moment and live my life with a smile.

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