Tuesday, January 25, 2011

two epiphanies.

epiphany number one.

it takes a lot for me to admit that i actually learned something from mr. marx. the funny thing is that one of the most memorable things has nothing to do with government. he has this saying he uses called "whole-part-whole". the idea is that in order to solve a problem you have to look at the bigger picture first before solving the more specific problem. after making the part better, the whole becomes better. My epiphany came to me while i was in the car on my way to a voice lesson. the overall goal of my life on earth is HAPPINESS. when i'm making decisions i have to look at the bigger picture. what's going to ultimately make me the happiest person i can be? it's a selfish purpose, sure, but technically other unselfish things fit into that category. making other people happy makes me happy. i could say that i just figured out the meaning of life. maybe this isn't making sense. but it just clicked in my mind.

epiphany number two.

the way to nail an audition is to not think about the audition at all. i have to create a whole other world for myself to live in while i'm singing or performing a monologue in order to completely forget about the faces staring me down and judging my every move. not only does it help my nerves, but it makes the situation real for me and emotions and gestures come naturally. and it helps the audience believe me and see the images i want them to see. a emotional ballad becomes a comforting heart to heart talk with my best friend under the stars. and uptempo song becomes another silly day in the drama room. and that's where i feel more comfortable. with my best friend. in the drama room. and not in the audition room.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your second epiphany. It's something everyone who wants to be an actor should learn.
